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March 22, 1902 in the Marion Democrat

Messrs. B. B. and Tom Monts, two prominent farmers from Brush Creek, came over to Marion this week and sold the residue of their cotton crop to Mr. R. M. Foster at 8-12 cents. While in the city they were the guests of our hospitable friend W. W. Crawford. 

Mr. Herbert Hogue, from Scotts, was in the city Monday. 

Mrs. Frank Bates, of Hamburg, visited Mrs. F.J. LeVert this week. 

Col. Lewellyn Pitts, of Uniontown, was in the city Monday. 

Judge John Moore’s many friends will be delighted to hear he is convalescing. 

The little birthday fete given by Miss Mattie Edwards was quite an elegant affair. Juvenile sports were indulged in by the little folks, and delicious refreshments of ambrosia and cake were served by Mrs. Edwards, Miss Memie, Mrs. Hendri and Mrs. Charles Moore. Dr. McCann was the guest of honor. The dining room was artistically decorated with narcissus and heart leaves; the souvenirs were card board palettes, hand painted, bearing the inscription: “1894- 1902. A most delightful afternoon is reported by all. 

The exercises at the Judson Sunday evening were reported well attended. 

Mrs. A.N. Hudson has her grand millinery opening March 21st and 22nd. She is displaying the choices millinery: imported pattern hats, and novel and chic creations of home production. All the ladies are anxious to see her mammoth stock, and of course the store has been a perfect beehive for the past two days. 

Mr. Arthur Stewart came over to visit his parents this week. Judge and Mrs. Stewart are to be made still happier, for Mr. Jim Stewart is expected to be home this week after a long absence in the Philippines. The young people should give him a rousing welcome home. 

The Democrat is hereby authorized to announce Hon W. F. Hogue as a candidate for State Senator from this the eighteenth senatorial district, subject to the action of the Democratic primary.