Home > News > Opera House event May 12 to feature work of Bethany Engle

Opera House event May 12 to feature work of Bethany Engle

As the next event of its Encore 2023 anniversary celebration, the Greensboro Opera House will hold an Art Show featuring paintings by Bethany Windham Engle on Sunday, May 21st from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.

Bethany Engle is a noted artist, who for most of her life lived, worked, and taught in Tuscaloosa but now resides in Greensboro. Bethany Engle attended Stephens College and the University of Alabama. She holds Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees from the University of Alabama. She began her teaching career at age 23. She established the Art Department at Shelton State College, Alabama’s two-year college of the arts. She and her late husband, Frank L. Engle, often collaborated on art works and architectural design. She is a painter and a draftsperson, and may be described as a Contemporary Realist in her ability to merge the incongruent: a hidden meaning may be suggested in the clearly recognizable form, often evoking a romantic emotion, both personal and universal. Retired from teaching, she now shares her home with her daughter Eve and their rescued animals, and works from her studio in their 1880 Queen Ann home, Camellia Cottage, in Greensboro.

The Greensboro Opera House is participating this year in the celebration of Greensboro’s bicentennial while at the same time celebrating the its own 120th anniversary, Encore 2023. The Engle Art Show, which comes to Greensboro following a month’s engagement in Selma, is the third in a series of cultural events at the Opera House featuring respectively music, art, literature, and drama. These events, most of which will be free, will continue throughout the coming months.

The May 21st event, to which admission will be free, will include not only the Engle Art Show but also a reception, all unfolding against background of piano accompaniment.