Home > News > Marion fails to make premium payment, health insurance for employees temporarily suspended

Marion fails to make premium payment, health insurance for employees temporarily suspended

Employees of the city of Marion were reportedly without health insurance, perhaps for as long as a month. Earlier this month, a city employee reportedly learned from a healthcare provider that there was an issue with their insurance.

The employees’ monthly premium had not been paid, and their health insurance policies were reportedly suspended due to that non-payment, said one person with knowledge of the situation. As is common with employee healthcare plans, the city and individual employees are expected to share healthcare costs. The city pays a portion, and the employees do, as well. The employer, in this case the City of Marion, withholds the employees’ contribution to the monthly premium payment from their regular paychecks. The city has the responsibility of submitting the payment to the insurer each month.

Marion City Council member Jeff Nail said the premium had been paid as of the morning of Thursday, Nov. 9.

The employees’ insurance coverage reportedly resumed sometime following the insurance company’s receipt of the payment.