Home > News > Still time for student-athletes to sign up for Black Belt Track Club, first practice May 23

Still time for student-athletes to sign up for Black Belt Track Club, first practice May 23

There is still time to register for the Black Belt Track Club, a summer track program started at Francis Marion School and intended for all students in the surrounding area. First practice will be held on May 23 from 6 to 7 PM and May 30 at the same time. After that, practices will be twice a week, scheduled for every Monday and Thursday from 6 to 7 PM until the end of July.

The club is meant to serve as an introduction to track and field running and is open for students aged 6 to 18 years, no matter the school they attend. For a $20 sign up fee, this will cover United States Track and Field (USATF) Club fees, as well as equipment and supplies needed for training athletes. Additional costs will be added if athletes decide to compete in any USATF competitions. No profit will be made by club leaders.