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Legal Notices Week of November 07, 2024

Legal Notice


Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Caroline Williams and Lori Hatler to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Movement Mortgage, LLC, dated December 20, 2022, and recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Hale County, Alabama, in Book 2022, Page 828, said mortgage was subsequently sold, assigned, and transferred to Movement Mortgage, LLC. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the undersigned, Movement Mortgage, LLC, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse in Hale County, Alabama, on December 4, 2024, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate situated in Hale County, Alabama, to-wit:

As shown on the survey prepared by Robert P. Hoggle, P.L.S., dated 5/8/2022, more particularly described as follows:

Starting at the Northwest corner of the NW 1/4 of SE 1/4, Section 9, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, Hale County, Alabama. Proceed S 01°13’02” W for 645.98 feet to a point. Continue S 01°24’53” W for 715.65 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pin. From there, go S 89°48’29” E for 99.99 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pin capped “T. Key Number 19521,” which is the point of beginning. Then, run S 89°58’48” E for 293.99 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pin capped “Hoggle PLS Number 22677.” Next, proceed N 14°26’52” E for 348.20 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pin. Continue N 48°29’48” W for 122.25 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pin, then S 34°40’52” W for 508.43 feet to the point of beginning.

Property Street Address for Informational Purposes:
337 Weeks Rd, Moundville, AL 35474

The property will be sold “AS IS”. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the title of the property. The property is subject to any title deficiencies, including but not limited to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien but not yet due and payable), federal tax liens, matters disclosed by an accurate survey, assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Mortgage first set out above. The property will be sold subject to the right of redemption of all parties entitled thereto. The highest bidder must tender the total amount of the winning bid in certified funds at the time and place of sale.

Alabama law gives some individuals with an interest in the property the right to redeem it under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay foreclosure. Consulting an attorney can help you understand these rights and programs as part of the foreclosure process.

This sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in said Mortgage and by Alabama law. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation.

This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained may be used for that purpose.

Movement Mortgage, LLC, Mortgagee or Transferee

Jonathan Smothers, Esq
420 North 20th Street, Suite 2249
Birmingham, AL 35203
Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee

Legal Notice


Sealed bids for the Hale County Water Authority Utility Relocation in conjunction with West Alabama Highway from North of Linden to Moundville (Design-Build) – Phase II (CMGM220142(2)) will be received by the Hale County Water Authority at their office located at 19873 Hwy 69 N, Greensboro, AL 36744, until Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. CST local time. At that time, the bids received will be publicly opened and read aloud.

The project includes the relocation of existing water mains and related appurtenances for the Hale County Water Authority.

Information on the project can be found at (link unavailable).

Bidding documents may be obtained from Goodwyn Mills Cawood LLC (GMC), 1906 East Three Notch Street, Andalusia, AL 36421, patsy.stinson@gmcnetwork.com.

Prospective bidders may examine the bidding documents at the issuing office Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Bidding documents may be obtained upon payment of a $20.00 one-time administrative fee for digital access or $200.00 for each printed set.

Bid security shall be furnished according to the Instructions to Bidders.

The owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or reject any or all bids and award the contract to the best and most responsible bidder.

All bidders must comply with the requirements of the Contractor’s Licensing Law of the State of Alabama.

Each bidder must deposit with their bid security in the amount, form, and subject to the conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders.

Owner: Hale County Water Authority
By: Ronnie Thomas
Title: Chairman

Legal Notice


In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended, notice is hereby given that Frasier-Ousley Construction and Engineering, Inc. has completed the contract for Fascia, Gutter, and Downspout at Perry County Courthouse, Marion, Alabama, for the Perry County Commission.

All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify:

Goodwyn Mills Cawood, LLC
2660 EastChase Lane, Suite 200
Montgomery, AL 36117

Frasier-Ousley Construction and Engineering, Inc.
1105 Singleton Drive
Selma, AL 36701

Legal Notice

WHEREAS, default has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms, and conditions of a mortgage from Thomas A. Skelton Jr., a married man, joined by Jennifer Skelton, his wife, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Homecomings Network, Inc., on August 15, 2006. The mortgage was recorded in the Probate Office of Hale County, Alabama, on August 24, 2006, in Deed/Mortgage Book 347, Page 203 and subsequently assigned to the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation as Trustee for the Benefit of the Freddie Mac Seasoned Loans Structured Transaction Trust, Series 2023-1. Notice is hereby given that Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation as Trustee for the Benefit of the Freddie Mac Seasoned Loans Structured Transaction Trust, Series 2023-1, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under the power of sale contained in the mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash in front of the Courthouse in Greensboro, Hale County, Alabama, on December 3, 2024, during legal sale hours, all rights, title, and interest in the following real estate in Hale County, Alabama:

Property Description:
Lot 31, Indian Mounds Phase II, as recorded in Map Book 2, Page 83 in the Probate Office of Hale County, Alabama. This description controls, although the property is commonly known as 701 Burke Dr., Moundville, AL 35474.

Additional Notices:
Alabama law provides certain redemption rights to parties with an interest in the property. There may also be programs to help avoid or delay foreclosure. Consult an attorney to understand these options.

This property is sold “as is, where is,” subject to any easements, encumbrances, and exceptions in the mortgage and those in the Probate Office records. It is also subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes. This sale aims to repay the mortgage debt and foreclosure expenses. The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid, purchase, and credit against expenses and debt. This sale may be postponed or canceled.

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation as Trustee for the Benefit of the Freddie Mac Seasoned Loans Structured Transaction Trust, Series 2023-1.

Law Firm Contact:
Rubin Lublin, LLC
3145 Avalon Ridge Place, Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, GA 30071
Phone: (877) 813-0992
Case No.: SEF-20-00739-8
Ad Run Dates: 10/03/2024, 10/10/2024, 10/17/2024, 11/07/2024

The original sale scheduled for October 28, 2024, was postponed to December 3, 2024, as announced at the Hale County Courthouse, Greensboro, AL.

Legal Notice
Notice of Initiation of the Section 106 Process: Public Participation

CitySwitch proposes building a telecommunications tower within a 100’ x 100’ lease area approximately 0.56 miles east-southeast of County Rd. 54 & Hwy. 69, Greensboro, Hale County, AL. The tower height will be 310 feet above ground level (320 feet with appurtenances). Ground disturbance is anticipated. The public may submit comments on possible effects on historic properties eligible for the National Register of Historic Places to Andrew Smith, RESCOM Environmental Corp., PO Box 361 Petoskey, MI 49770, or call 260-385-6999.

Legal Notice

Request for Hearing Before the City of Greensboro Zoning Board of Adjustment

Notice is hereby given that an application has been made by Henry Laird Cole, in compliance with the City of Greensboro Zoning Ordinance, for a variance concerning the property located at 2201 Main Street, Greensboro, Alabama 36744.

This application requests a variance to operate a real estate business at this location, which is currently zoned as R-1 Residential Area.

This matter will be heard by the City of Greensboro Zoning Board of Adjustment on December 3, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, where the public is invited to attend.

Zoning Board of Adjustment
City of Greensboro

Legal Notice


ATTENTION ALL BIDDERS The Perry County Commission is soliciting sealed bids for the item (s) listed below. Bids will be received by the Perry CountyCommission at the Perry County Court house, 300 WashingtonStreet, P.O. Box 478, Marion, AL36756, ATTN: Deandrae Kimbrough, until November 26, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (Central Time).1. Sealed Bid #2 and #3 – Slag andCrushed Stone2. Sealed Bid #4 – Fuel3. Sealed Bid #4-A – Oil4. Sealed Bid #6 – Liquid Asphalt5. Sealed Bid #8 – Bridge Timbers6. Sealed Bid #9 – Plant Leveling7. Sealed Bid #10 – Cold Mix8. Sealed Bid #13 – Motor GraderBlades9. Sealed Bid #14 – Terracair, Ultra-Pure Diesel Exhaust Fluid(2.5 Gallon Containers)10. Recycled Asphalt Product(RAP)11. Striping/Pavement MarkersBids will be opened at the AlbertTurner Sr. Courthouse Annex located at 206 Pickens Street, Mar-ion, Alabama 36756, on November 26, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.Time is of the essence in submitting bids, and only sealed bids received in the Commission office by the time listed above shall be opened and considered. Bidders and any other interested individuals are invited to attend the bid opening. Prospective bidders are instructed to read the General Terms and conditions, Special Terms and conditions, and Bid Specifications very carefully. Bid addendums will be provided to all bidders, if necessary. Bids must comply with the guidelines in the sections referred to herein.All bids of $15,000 or above must be accompanied by a 5% bid bond or certified check.If you have any questions concerning terms or conditions, specifications, or any other aspects of the Request for Bid, please contact ouroffice. Bid packages can also be picked up at the County Commission office: Perry County Highway Department (334) 683-2235

Perry County Commission General Terms and Conditions

Preparation and Submission

Bid envelopes must be sealed and must clearly indicate the appropriate bid number, bid item, and bid opening date, as specified on the cover sheet of the bid packet. Envelopes containing a “no bid” must also have “NO BID” marked on the outside. Facsimiles and emails will not be accepted. Bids submitted by “Express/Overnight” services must be in a separate inner envelope or package, sealed and labeled as stated above, and must be delivered before the bid opening time. The Commission is not responsible if the U.S. Postal Service or any courier system fails to deliver the proposal to the Commission office by the deadline stated in the bid request.


The Commission reserves the right to require a performance bond from a successful bidder as permitted under Alabama law. Failure to submit a bond when required will result in bid rejection. Bidders must extend the unit price by the estimated quantities provided in specifications to determine the appropriate bid bond/check amount.

Other Compliance / Legal Assurances

The Commission provides equal opportunities for all businesses and does not discriminate against any vendor based on race, sex, creed, age, disability, national origin, or religion in award consideration. Bidders must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and ensure they are an equal opportunity employer, not discriminating based on race, sex, creed, age, disability, national origin, or religion. All bidders must comply with the applicable sections of the Alabama Competitive Bid Law, Code of Alabama 1975.

Bid Award/Rejection

All bids will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. This determination may involve factors including price, conformity to specifications, financial ability, previous performance, facilities and equipment, availability of repair parts, experience, delivery promise, terms of payment, compatibility, other costs, and other reasonable factors. When responsive and responsible bids are equal, a local vendor shall be favored. Unless otherwise specified in the bid’s Special Terms and Conditions, the Commission reserves the right to make an award in whole or in part to one or more bidders as necessary and in the best interest of the Commission. The Commission reserves the right to accept or reject any or all items in the request, waive formalities, re-advertise, and take other steps as necessary in its best interest.

Bidders may be disqualified, and bid proposals may be rejected for the following reasons:

  • a. Failure to use the bid forms provided by the Commission
  • b. Lack of signature by an authorized representative on the Bid Proposal Form
  • c. Failure to properly complete the bid form
  • d. Evidence of collusion among bidders
  • e. Unauthorized alteration of the bid form
  • f. Failure to furnish a performance bond as required
  • g. Inclusion of an “escalator clause” unless stipulated in the Special Terms and Conditions.