Home > News > Extension hosting seminar at noon May 21 on selling at farmers’ markets

Extension hosting seminar at noon May 21 on selling at farmers’ markets

The Perry County Alabama Extension Office will be hosting a special seminar, “Marketing at a Farmers Market” on May 21, starting at 12 noon. Those interested in marketing their products at a local farmers market will have the opportunity to learn more on the subject. Learn about completing the proper assessments for both businesses and markets, how to price goods for profit, a guide to running a booth, and crafting a marketing strategy.

Local extension agents will be on hand from the farm and agribusiness management team to answer questions during the session. This will be a remote workshop, meaning participants will be viewing the information in an online meeting room. Register at www.aces.edu/go/4199 to receive a meeting link and join area farmers and extension agents in this discussion.