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Legal Notices Week of Aug 15, 2024

Legal Notice


LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION of said deceased having been granted to Linda Heurion on the 23rd day of July, 2024, by the Honorable Arthur Crawford, Sr., Judge of Probate of Hale County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same within time allowed by law or the same will be barred:

Attorney for Administratrix
To: Publisher
PUBLISHER OF: The Greensboro Watchman
Please publish the above notice three (3) successive weeks in said newspaper.

Attorney for Administrator
Post Office Drawer 740 Demopolis, Alabama 36732
(334) 289-0556

Legal Notice


In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39 Code of Alabama, 1975, notice is hereby given that Paulk Construction, Inc. Contractor has completed the contract for the Modernization of CFP #AL09P16150123 at Marion, AL for Marion Housing Authority Owner(s), and have made request for final settlement of said Contract. All persons having any claim for labor, materials or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify Diane Banks 102 Cahaba Heights Marion, AL 36756

Paulk Construction, Inc.
390 N. Goldthwaite Street Montgomery, AL 36104

Legal Notice

Notice of Public Hearing

The Uniontown Housing Authority will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 3:00 pm in the Community Room located at 104 Plumblee Street, Uniontown, Alabama to discuss the Public Housing Five-Year Plan. The public hearing is held to provide the residents, the local government and other members of the community an opportunity to voice their concerns of the Five-Year Plan. Items to be discussed will include the following:

  • Physical Needs of the 2025 Capital Fund Plan
  • Remainder of the Five-Year Plan For further information you may contact Erika Turner, Executive Director at 334-628-2051.

Legal Notice


Default having been made under the terms of that certain mortgage executed by Kenneth E. Roy and Monica M. Roy, husband and wife, on the 6th day of February, 2009, to The Citizens Bank, Greensboro, Alabama, which said mortgage is recorded in the Probate Office of Hale County, Alabama, in Mortgage Book 358, at Page 759, and by reason of such default, having declared all of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage due and payable, and such default continuing, notice is hereby given that, acting under the power of sale contained in said mortgage, The Citizens Bank will sell at public outcry, for cash, to the highest bidder, before the main entrance of the Courthouse in the City of Greensboro, Hale County, Alabama, at noon or otherwise during the legal hours of sale on August 22, 2024, the following described real estate situated in Hale County, Alabama, to-wit:

Commence at the Southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 21 North, Range 5 East in Hale County, Alabama, and run West along the center section line 167 feet for point of beginning; thence continue West along the centerline of said section to its intersection with the East right-ofway margin of Hale County Highway No. 32; run thence Northwesterly and Northerly along the East right-of-way margin of said highway to a point, which point is 1261.4 feet South along the highway from the intersection of said highway margin with the East- West centerline of said section; run thence East 215 feet to a point; run thence South 24 degrees East 279 feet to a point; run thence South 33 degrees 563.2 feet to a point; run thence North 57 degrees East 200 feet to a point; run thence South 33 degrees 215 feet to a point; run thence South 57 degrees West 200 feet to a point; and run thence South 33 degrees 606.2 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, and containing 6.5 acres, more or less, situated in the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 21 North, Range 5 East, Hale County, Alabama.


Commence at a point 167 feet West of the Southeast corner of Section 17, Township 21, Range 5 East, Hale County, Alabama, thence run West 215 feet along the South boundary of Section 17 to a point where said South boundary line intersects with the East boundary of Hale County Road #32, thence run Northwesterly along said East boundary of Hale County Road #32, 1108.6 feet to the Point of Beginning of the 2.5 acre parcel herein described; thence run Northwesterly along the East margin of said Hale County Road #32 a distance of 506.5 feet, more or less, to a point, thence run Eastwardly 215 feet, more or less, to a point, being the Northeast corner of the parcel herein described, thence run Southeasterly, and parallel with the margin of Hale County Road #32, 506.5 feet, more or less, to a point, thence run Westerly 215 feet to the East margin of Hale County Road #32, which is the POINT OF BEGINNING, said parcel of land containing 2.5 acres, more or less, and off the North end and being a part of that certain parcel conveyed to Edgar F. Cook by deed of Jack R. Prisoc, dated January 21, 1977, and recorded in Deed Book A-79, Page 463, Office of Probate Judge, Hale County, Alabama. Said land lying in the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 21, Range 5 East, Hale County, Alabama.

Subject to all public road rights-ofway and utility rights-of-way.

For informational purposes only the street address for the above referenced property is believed to be: 786 Rhodes Street, Greensboro, AL 36744, which is not a part of the legal description and in the event of any discrepancy the legal description described in this notice shall control. Together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging and all fixtures now attached to and used in connection with the premises herein described.

Said sale will be subject to the right of way easements and restrictions of record in the Probate Office of Hale County, Alabama, outstanding property taxes, and existing special assessments, if any, which might adversely affect the title to subject property.

Said property will be sold on an “As Is, Where Is” basis without warranty or recourse, express or implied as to title, use and/or enjoyment. Neither the mortgagee, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of the mortgagee make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition, including those suggested by Code of Ala. (1975) §35-4-271, are expressly disclaimed.

Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process.

Said sale will be made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by the above-described mortgage, and the proceeds thereof will be applied as provided by the terms of said mortgage. The successful bidder must tender a nonrefundable deposit in certified funds made payable to Reynolds, Reynolds & Little, LLC at the time and place of the sale. The balance of the purchase price must be paid in certified funds or by wire transfer by 5:00 p.m. the next business day at the Law Office of Reynolds, Reynolds & Little, LLC at the address indicated below unless prior to said sale Reynolds, Reynolds & Little, LLC has agreed to a later date or closing location. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate.

The failure of any high bidder to pay the purchase price and close this sale shall, at the option of Mortgagee, be cause for rejection of the bid, and if the bid is rejected, Mortgagee shall have the option of making the sale to the next highest bidder who is able, capable and willing to comply with the terms thereof.

This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation.


The Citizens Bank
Ryan R. Hendley
Attorneys for Mortgagee
2115 11th Street
Post Office Box 2863 Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35403-2863
Telephone: 205-391-0073
File No. 90.0028
Publication Dates: August 1, 2024; August 8, 2024; August 15, 2024;

Legal Notice



Letters Testamentary of said deceased having been granted to Gayle B. Westmoreland, Camille B. Rivenbark, and Clair B. Riggs on the 24th day of July, 2024, by the Honorable Eldora Anderson, Judge of Probate Court of Perry County, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same within the time allowed by law or the same will be barred.

To the Editor and/or Publisher of Times-Standard-Herald:

Please publish the above notice three successive weeks in said newspaper.

Kirtley W. Brown
215 Washington Street Marion, AL 36756

Legal Notice


Letters Testamentary of said deceased having been granted to Gayle B. Westmoreland, Camille B. Rivenbark, and Clair B. Riggs on the 29 day of July 2024, by the Honorable Eldora Anderson, Judge of Probate Court of Perry County, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same within the time allowed by law or the same will be barred.

To the Editor and/or Publisher of Times-Standard-Herald:

Please publish the above notice three successive weeks in said newspaper.

Kirtley W. Brown 215 Washington Street| Marion, AL 36756

Legal Notice


Letters Testamentary in the Estate of Nell G. McMillan, deceased,having been issued to the undersigned on the 9th day of July,2024,by the Honorable Arthur L. Crawford, Sr., Judge of the Probate Court of said state and county, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate must file such claims within the time allowed by law, or they will be barred forever.

Rene M.McGinty, Marion Lynn M. Stewart and Francis E. McMillan, Co-Executors of the Estate of Nell G.McMillan, deceased.

Legal Notice


In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended, notice is hereby given that K&A Builders, Inc., Contractor, has completed the contract for APCHA West Central District Renovations Hale, Perry, Sumter, Chilton, and Walker Counties, Owners, and have made request for final settlement of said Contract. All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify the Construction Manager, Robins & Morton, or the Engineer, TTL, Inc.

Legal Notice


The Housing Authority of the City of Uniontown, Alabama will receive bids for the Modernization of Public Housing Sites AL171-1, XIII; AL171-3, IX, and AL171-4, IX, HUD Modernization Project No. AL09-P171-501-23, until 2:00 p.m., (Central Time) on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, at the central office of the Authority, 104 Plumblee Street, Uniontown, Alabama 36786 at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

The project consists of furnishing all plant, labor, materials, equipment and all services and performing and coordinating all operations for the Modernization of Public Housing Sites AL171-1, XIII; AL171-3, IX and AL171-4, IX, HUD Modernization Project No. AL09-P171-501-23. The Work of the base bid shall include, but is not necessarily limited to the replacement of HVAC units and work incidental thereunto. Attention and reference is directed to the General Notes of the drawings.

Contract documents, including drawings and technical specifications, are on file at the office of the Housing Authority of the City of Uniontown, 104 Plumblee Street, Uniontown, Alabama 36786 and The Architectural Office of William J. Peek, 908 S. Hull St., Suite 210, Montgomery, Alabama 36104.

Copies of contract documents may be obtained by depositing $200.00 with The Architectural Office of William J. Peek for each set of documents so obtained. Each such deposit will be refunded if the drawings and specifications are returned in good condition within ten days after bid opening.

Plans and specifications will be issued only to qualified contractors licensed by the State Licensing Board of General Contractors of Alabama as required by Title 34, Chapter 8, Code of Alabama, 1975 as amended. Only bids of such contractors who are duly licensed will be considered. Current license number must be displayed on the sealed envelope in which the bid is delivered or the bid WILL NOT be accepted.

Bidders are requested to inspect the property and the buildings themselves, as well as operations and conditions that may be affected.

A certified check or bank draft, payable to the order of the Housing Authority of the City of Uniontown or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and an acceptable surety company in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid shall be submitted with each bid. Acceptable Surety Companies are listed in the current issue of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Circular 570.

Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the contract documents must be paid on this project, and that the contractor must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Contractors are reminded that in accordance with State Law, Alabama General Contractor’s licensing number shall be displayed on the sealed envelope in which the bid is delivered or the bid will not be accepted.

Each bid must include the Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Bidders, 1992 Edition, Non-Collusive Affidavit and the Previous Participation Certificate signed by the bidder and on the correct HUD forms.

The Housing Authority of the City of Uniontown reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informality in the bidding.

Bids may be held by the Housing Authority of the City of Uniontown for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days from the date of opening of bids for the purpose of reviewing them and investigating the qualifications of the bidders, prior to awarding the contract.

The Housing Authority of the City of Uniontown
By: Erika Turner
Title: Executive Director

Legal Notice

Case No: 24-2740

Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned on the 30th day of July, 2024, by the Probate Judge of Perry County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present the same, duly sworn to, in the Probate Court of said County within the time allowed by law, or else same will be forever barred.

Donald Green, Jr.
Janice W. Green
Personal Representatives

Publish in newspaper once a week for three (3) successive weeks.

Legal Notice

Harper Brothers Construction, Inc. hereby gives notice of completion of contract with the Alabama Community College System for the construction of Marion Military Press Box Project 2022 097.

This notice will appear for three consecutive weeks beginning on August 9, 2024 and ending on August 30, 2024. All claims should be filed at 1501 Teal Circle, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 during this period. Harper Brothers Construction, Inc.

Legal Notice

For Legal Publication
Case No. 23-2702
In the Probate Court of Perry County, Alabama

In the matter of the Estate of: DOUGLAS DELMAR HULON, Deceased

Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of said decedent, having been granted to JEFF HULON on the 31st day of July, 2024, by the Honorable Eldora Banks Anderson, Judge of the Probate Court of Perry County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said Estate are required to file an itemized and verified statement of such claim in the office of the said Judge of Probate within six months from the above date, or said claim will be barred and payment prohibited.

JEFF HULON, Personal Representative Dates of publication: August 8, 15, & 22, 2024

Legal Notice


STATE OF ALABAMA, Ex Rel JOHN R. COOPER, Director of the Alabama Department of Transportation, Petitioner,
HELEN EPPES, ET AL., Defendants.

CASE NO. 2024-064


This day came the State of Alabama by its attorney, Mark A. Scogin, and filed its Petition in writing under oath for the condemnation of certain lands described below in Exhibit A as shown on the right-ofway map of the State of Alabama Department of Transportation as Project No. RAED-068-000-160, West Alabama Highway from North Linden to Moundville, Hale County, Alabama recorded in the Office of the Probate Judge of Hale County, Alabama, on behalf of the State of Alabama for public road purposes; said lands being owned by Helen Eppes, Love V. Epps, Anita Weston, Armani Searcy, Neisha Weston, Ronnie G. Epps, Debra A. Eppes, Rhonda J. Wilson, Starwanthia E. Lee, Shalandra Martin, Shatonya Blackmon, Shatanya Ford, Evelyn Pelt, Demos Epps, Shedrick Epps, Valentino Epps, Valerie Scott, Jade C. Epps, Mary Horton Epps, Angela Mullins, Alvin Butler, Johnny Eppes, Mae Francis Eppes, Micah Hall, and fictitious parties A through Z, being the heirs, devisees or successors of Ellerine Weston, deceased, Vernon B. Weston, deceased, Robert Eppes, deceased, James Eppes, deceased, Bernice Eppes, deceased, Cartis Epps, deceased, Jacob Epps, deceased, Jackie S. Epps, deceased, and all persons or entities claiming any title to or interest in the property described in Plaintiff’s petition, and praying that a day be set for the hearing, an Order be made appointing three commissioners to assess the damages and compensations that the owners of said land may be entitled for taking of said land and for the injury, if any, to the remaining lands lying contiguous to said real estate sought to be condemned.

It is therefore ORDERED BY THE COURT that the 8th day of October, 2024, at 9:00 A.M. be set as a day for the hearing of said Petition and the proof to be submitted in support of same.

Further, it is ORDERED by the Court that notice of the filing of said Petition and of the date set for hearing thereof is hereby given by publication once a week for four successive weeks in The Greensboro Watchman, a newspaper published in Hale County, Alabama, and at this hearing Respondents or any other persons, firms, association and/or corporations that may own an interest in or the right to possession of said land to be condemned in this cause may appear and contest the same if they deem proper, and notice is further given to the parties who are nonresidents of the State of Alabama.

ORDERED, this the 25th day of July, 2024.

Arthur L. Crawford, Sr.
Judge of Probate for
Hale County, Alabama


A part of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 7, Township 22-N, Range 5-E, identified as Tract No. 757 on Project No. RAED-068-000-160 in Hale County, Alabama and being more fully described as follows:

Commencing at a 5/8″ rebar w/cap at the SW corner of property described in Deed Book A149, Page 734 found in the Probate Office of Hale County, Alabama.

thence Northeast and along the said property’s line a distance of 290 feet, more or less, to a point on the acquired R/W line (said line offset 160.00 feet LT and parallel with centerline of project), which is the point of BEGINNING.

thence following the curvature thereof an arc distance of 266.20 feet and along the acquired R/W line to a point on the Southeast present R/W line of David Campbell Road (said arc having a chord bearing of N 55°35’2″ W, a counterclockwise direction, a chord distance of 266.20 feet and a radius of 12740.00 feet).

thence N 32°44’6″ E and along the said present R/W line a distance of 71.90 feet to a point on the West present R/W line of AL-69.

thence S 54°15’18” E and along the said present R/W line a distance of 260.41 feet to a point on the grantor’s Southeast property line.

thence S 27°30’51” W and along the grantor’s said property line a distance of 66.31 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING, containing 0.41 acre, more or less.

Legal Notice


STATE OF ALABAMA, Ex Rel JOHN R. COOPER, Director of the Alabama Department of Transportation, Petitioner, vs. BENNIE T. LYLES, ET AL., Defendants.

CASE NO. 2024-066


This day came the State of Alabama by its attorney, Mark A. Scogin, and filed its Petition in writing under oath for the condemnation of certain lands described below in Exhibit A as shown on the right-ofway map of the State of Alabama Department of Transportation as Project No. RAED-068-000-160, West Alabama Highway from North Linden to Moundville, Hale County, Alabama recorded in the Office of the Probate Judge of Hale County, Alabama, on behalf of the State of Alabama for public road purposes; said lands being owned by Bennie T. Lyles, Cheryl V. Watts, Margaret Crawford, Maurice Crawford, Darryl Crawford, Laura L. Moore, Willie Ruth Hill, Lawrence E. McNeal, Charles E. McNeal, Clarence B. McNeal, Clemestine Mae Perrymon, Clinton Murdock, Jr., Christine Cook Murdock, Patricia Murdock, Yolanda Turner, Leon S. Dudley, David B. Dudley, Sandra V. Diggs, Albert D. Murdock, Jr., Kathy Zayan, Christy Hinnant, Kevin Riley, Anthony Riley, Dwayne T. Murdock, DeNita Gail Murdock, LaToria D. Murdock, James R. Murdock, Annie Rowser, Maldotha Murdock, Irnetta Murdock, Elizabeth M. Murdock, Esther Murdock, Alice Perry, Alex M. McKinney, Skylar Christopher Smith, Phillip M. Smith, William J. Crook, Joseph McKinney, Jr., Mia M. McKinney, Rian McKinney, Bennie Long, Jr., Barbara J. Copridge, Dred C. Jackson, Saryn L. Hatcher, Zenobia Turner, Eugene B. Heath, Mattie Heath, Andrew Long, Nancy Campbell, Aretha Campbell, Preston D. Lane, Jr., Tammy L. High, Walter Campbell, Sr., Johnny L. Campbell, Sr., Helen J. Rogers, James M. Lyles, Willie E. Wallace, Sr., George Wallace, Alex Wallace, Jimmie M. Wallace, Sr., Daisy Taylor, Adrienne Bost, Lydia Wallace, William M. Pratcher, Jr., Dorothy M. Davies, Corene Hope, Dallas J. White, Beverly Kate White, Gary A. Smith, Jr., Maurice D. Newberry, Terry Lynn McMillan, Dameon Bell, Marcus L. Bell, George McDowell, Jr., Michael McDowell, Erica N. Jones, Aaron W. Jones, Michael A. Jones, Wilson McDowell, Jr., Frank McDowell, Jr., Francette Holland, Dianne Dixon, Tommie D. Crummie, Roderick Crummie, Sheila Duncan, Jo Ann Stanton, Ricardo Cammack, Anthony Cammack, Lori Cammack- Crues, Kay F. Lewis, Courniece L. Davis, Lorenzo Shelton, Yvonne Meghie, Nathaniel E. Ford, Jr., Johnny C. Lyles, Abraham T. Lyles, Jr., Gwendolyn Lyles Hunter, Donald Earl Lyles, Pamela J. Bedminster, Rosetta H. Lyles Ford, Henry D. Lyles, Sr., Carolyn L. Maddox, Rosie Etta Nabors Lyles, Eugene Lyles, Jr., Sandy Lyles, Ernest James Lyles, Joseph Dion Lyles, Joshua Aaron Lyles, Sandra Yvonne Giles, Janetta Alyse Lyles, Jennifer Renee Jones, Amos Lyles, Andrew D. Lyles, Sr., Daniel L. Lyles, Frank Lewis Lyles, Azalean Walker, Majorie Walker, Mary Walker, Eugene Walker, Jr., Ethel Brock, Rachel L. Jones, Geneva Lyles Cobbs, Rosie B. Lyles, Deborah Hemphill Pruitt, Jeffery D. Jones, Sr., Jeffery D. Jones, Jr., Maria S. Lyles, Donna R. Alexander, Geralyn Pickens, Curtis C. Pickens, Carla Parker, Lillie M. Pickens, Felicia Savage, Lester E. Savage, Jr., Alicia Savage, Serrefin Savage, Sheryl Littles, Aretha Bolden, Robert L. Pickens, Sr., Herbert C. Pickens, Sr., Howard E. Pickens, Fred Allen, Jr., Emma Jean Lyle, Deborah T. Horn, Sylvia Richardson, Robert C. Taylor, Jr., Roddrick Taylor, Larry E. Taylor, Evelyn Lyle, Brian L. Lyle, Britt K. Lyle, Thomas E. Lyle, Jr., Courtney D. Burton, April B. Thomas, Kevin J. Burton, Reginia Mingo, Reginald G. Hamilton, Reasno G. Hamilton, Jr., Betty Bonner Faoye, Shevawn Agnew, John W. Agnew, Jr., Kenneth W. Agnew, Tewawn A. Agnew, Andrian W. Agnew, Koriya Padgett, Gloria Williams, Frank Shaw, Jr., Betty J. Shaw, Fredrick Shaw, Mary Anne Shaw, Gloria B. Shaw, Fred D. Eaton, Jr., Mary Robinson, Regina Hughes, Henry Cabbil, Sr., Henry L. Cabbil, Jr., Kesha Daniels, Christopher Cabbil, Kristie Johnson, Donald Sledge, Ronnie Sledge, Leavie Sledge, Jr., Andra Sledge, Poncella Sledge, JoZoe Sledge, Thelma Eaton Cole, Donna Eileen Eaton, Renee Eaton Baptiste, Walter J. Jones, Collene Jones, Annie M. Jones, Bernice Marshall, Andre Tee Beard, Theressa Beard, Kimberly Ware, Michelle Beard, Debra Gale Crew, Kevin A. Beard, Rene Beard, Michael Beard, Sharon Beard, Mark Beard, Jimmie H. Gains, Douglas Clark Gaines, Cleophus Gaines, Deacon Auguster Maul, Sr., Jacquelyn Strother, Auguster Maul, Jr., Donna Warren, Angela Maul, Walter Irvin, Jr., Toni R. Quintero, Jerad Irvin, Sheila Kaye Irvin, Vangie A. Robinson, Jo Ann Sims, Carolyn R. Flynn, Bobby Sims, Jr., Leonard F. Taylor, III, Kevin Gregory Taylor, Sr., Ann D. Brown, Glennae Leroy Taylor, Sr., Cecil Payne, George M. Wilburn, James Charles Wilburn, James Randolph Wilburn, Wanda A. Wilburn, Gennene R. Wilburn, Georgette Elise Wilburn, Karen R. Wilburn, Jaymee S. Payne, Mark S. Payne, Patricia Ann Palm, Trina M. Payne, Maurice D. Payne, Carmaletta H. Payne, Elizabeth Harris, Sharon Young, Sylvester Alvin Harris, Jr., Dennis Harris, Laura Harris, Sterling Harris, Lisa Jordan, Inez Swink, Gregory Wilson, Anthony Wilson, Sylvia Wilson, Darryl Wilson, Gertrude Peebles, Marilyn Brewer, Linda Hughes, Vivian Hayes, Patricia Hubbard, Jeff Hayes, Theresa Renee Parker, Amy Parker Stayton, Stanley Hayes, Josephine Hayes, Regina H. Lambert, Natalie Hayes, Inez Temple, Steven P. Bridgeford, Austine Bridgeford, Eric D. Evans, Laura Margerum, Carolyn J. Peters, Kimberly R. Peters, Frank E. Peters, II, Winthrop P. Boykin, Michael C. Boykin, John Boykin, Armilia M. Speed, Reginald C. Speed, Jr., Lakita D. Speed, Lester C. Knuckles, Jr., Jennifer B. Knuckles, Kimberly Emrick, Valerie Rogers, Brenda Knuckles, Sharon Knuckles, Jacqueline Mc- Call, Nadja Knuckles, Ajdan K. Knuckles, Dajan Knuckles, Rosalyn Knuckles, Michelle Jones, Viola Rene Germany, Michael Jones, Denise Taylor, Mark Johnson, Leslie Johnson, Lawrence Johnson, Karla Dawn Johnson, Bess Johnson Griffin, Olivette Charlene Sasser, Karl A. Johnson, Jr., Tara Lynn Walls, Carolyn L. Mason, Fredrick Lawson, Corey Ferguson, Bryant Ferguson, Deandrea Dorsey, Janet Mackins, Mary Louise Cole, David Parker, Jr., Karen Parker-Dudley, Kisha Parker, La’Toya Williams, Barbara Ann Echols, Maxine Dubose, Harlan Howard, Jr., Doskie Howard, Leona Murphy, Aaron Williams, Jr., Braiden Williams, Arianna Williams, Theodore Williams, Desiree Williams, Tameisha Harris, Alicia C. Hallcotton, Marquette Hodo, Dorothy Coleman, Charlamae McKinley, Honorable Andretta Skipper, Tax Collector, Hale County and fictitious parties A through Z, being the heirs, devisees or successors of Rachel Lyles, deceased, Andrew W. Lyles, Sr., deceased, Laura Lyles McKinney, deceased, Annie Wilson, deceased, Wilton William Murray, deceased, Clara Crawford, deceased, Lula Veil Crawford, deceased, James Crawford, deceased, Thomas Crawford, deceased, Robert Crawford, deceased, Julius Crawford, Jr., deceased, William E. Crawford, deceased, Clinton Murdock, Sr., deceased, Eddie Mae Sherman, deceased, Clara Mae McNeal, deceased, Lawrence E. McNeal, Sr., deceased, James Edward Murdock, deceased, Robert Benjamin Murdock, deceased, Dorothy Jean Patton, deceased, Claude H. Patton, deceased, John D. Murdock, deceased, Alice Gertrude Rhodes, deceased, Walter C. Dudley, deceased, Florence Murdock, deceased, Albert Murdock, Sr., deceased, Dorothy Murdock, deceased, Robert Murdock, Jr., deceased, Julia Murdock, deceased, Andrew Mount Murdock, deceased, Catherine Murdock, deceased, Julian H. Murdock, deceased, Abraham Murdock, deceased, Mary E. Reed, deceased, Isadore McKinney, deceased, Barbara Y. Crook, deceased, Martha McKinney, deceased, Joseph McKinney, Sr., deceased, Lucy Rhodes, deceased, Abraham Rhodes, deceased, William Rhodes, deceased, Andrew Lyles, Jr., deceased, Nancy Lyles Long, deceased, Rachel Diprage, deceased, Isabella Long, deceased, Bennie Long, Sr., deceased, Lillie Mae Long, deceased, Mamie Lucious, deceased, Ruby E. Copridge, deceased, Mary L. Hatcher, deceased, Helen Heath, deceased, Eugene Long, deceased, Ruth Campbell, deceased, Willie Marie Lane, deceased, Rachel Jemison, deceased, Beatrice Jemison, deceased, Frank Jemison, deceased, Frank Lyles, Sr., deceased, Lydia Mae Pratcher, deceased, Bertha L. Wallace, deceased, William M. Pratcher, Sr., deceased, Hezekiah M. Pratcher, Jr., deceased, Lena T. Lyles, deceased, Mary Lyles Mc- Dowell, deceased, Louise Newberry, deceased, Delcenia White, deceased, Sharon Ellen Smith, deceased, Mary Ellen Bell, deceased, Sheldon Bell, deceased, John Newberry, Jr., deceased, Eloise Mc- Dowell, deceased, Nathan McDowell, deceased, George Mc- Dowell, Sr. deceased, Aaron Kevin McDowell, Sr., deceased, Iva Jones, deceased, Aaron Kevin Mc- Dowell, deceased, Rose Lee Anderson, deceased, James McDowell, deceased, Wilson Mc- Dowell, Sr. deceased, Mary Mc- Dowell, deceased, Frank McDowell, Sr., deceased, Alphonse Lyles, deceased, Albert Lyles, deceased, Eliza Johnson, deceased, Lillie Beard, deceased, Minnie Lyles Pickens, deceased, Cournice Ford, deceased, Nathaniel Ford, Sr., deceased, Juanita Crummie, deceased, Tommy L. Crummie, deceased, Erlene S. Cammack, deceased, Otis L. Shelton, deceased, James Doc Lyles, deceased, Abraham Lyles, deceased, Eugene Lyles, Sr, deceased, Joseph James Lyles, deceased, Leona S. Walker, deceased, Eugene Walker, Sr., deceased, Alphonso Lyles, Sr., deceased, Rozetta E. Lyles, deceased, Alphonso S. Lyles, Jr, deceased, Sylvester Whitfield, deceased, Mamie Odette Bowles, deceased, Susie Lyles, deceased, Virginia Pickens Allen, deceased, Curtis Lee Pickens, deceased, Jimmie Pickens, deceased, William Pickens, Jr., deceased, Wilma Lucille Savage, deceased, Eugene Britt Lyle, Sr., deceased, Eugene Britt Lyle, Jr., deceased, Dorothy L. Lyle, deceased, Eloise Taylor, deceased, Linda Williams, deceased, Donald E. Taylor, deceased, Thomas Ervin Lyle, Sr., deceased, Nancy Eaton, deceased, Lelia Glover, deceased, Virginia Glover, deceased, Minnie Glover, deceased, Robert Syks Glover, deceased, Laura Sledge Glover, deceased, Pinkie Hamilton, deceased, Virginia Agnew, deceased, John W. Agnew, deceased, Robert D. Glover, deceased, John G. Glover, deceased, Larry Glover, deceased, Edmund Glover, deceased, Samuel Eaton, deceased, Corine Mays, deceased, Thomas Howard Mays, Jr., deceased, Samuel Howard Mays, deceased, Danphert Eaton, deceased, Mary Benison, deceased, Charley Benison, deceased, Nancy Dixon, deceased, James Benison, deceased, Ruben Benison, deceased, Edward D. Benison, deceased, Bernice Benison, deceased, Delcine Owens Zeigler, deceased, Bernice Williams, deceased, Arthur Williams, Jr., deceased, Riley Eaton, Sr., deceased, Betty B. Eaton, deceased, Mildred Shaw, deceased, Riley Eaton, Jr., deceased, Susie Nell Sampson, deceased, Fred Douglas Eaton, Sr., deceased, Lois Cabbil, deceased, Vivian Lee Holifield, deceased, Eliza Marie Sledge, deceased, Benjamin Eaton, deceased, Thelma Eaton, deceased, James Benjamin Eaton, deceased, William Lawrence Eaton, deceased, Marcia Lois Eaton, deceased, Willie Eaton Burroughs, deceased, Bessie Mae Burroughs, deceased, Bennie Burroughs, deceased, Seyborn Eaton, deceased, Edna Strong, deceased, Will Strong, deceased, Nancy Jackson, deceased, Amanda Eaton Beard, deceased, Kandice Beard Jones, deceased, Manley Beard, deceased, Zion Beard, Jr., deceased, Sebron Beard, deceased, Myrtle Beard, deceased, Sylvester Beard, deceased, Abraham Beard, deceased, Mary Kate Gaines, deceased, Cephus Gaines, Jr., deceased, Tillman Beard, deceased, Thelma Lee Maul, deceased, Gwendolyn Burrell, deceased, Margaret Irvin, deceased, Viola Sims, deceased, Benjamin Beard, deceased, Eliza Bridgeford, deceased, Gertrude Bridgeford, deceased, John Harris, deceased, Ethel Harris, deceased, Myrtle Payne, deceased, Bernice J. Taylor, deceased, Ernestine Delores Payne, deceased, Ernest Dell Payne, deceased, Minnie Lee Payne, deceased, Danny Cecil Payne, deceased, Kenneth Douglas Laney, deceased, Sylvester Alvin Harris, deceased, Teola Hayes, deceased, Earlene Wilson, deceased, George Leon Wilson, Jr., deceased, Dianna B. Wilson, deceased, Mary Ann Parker, deceased, Taylor Parker, deceased, George Ronald Hayes, deceased, George Leon Harris, deceased, Leila M. Smith, deceased, Rebecca Bridgeford, deceased, Inez Bridgeford, deceased, Lula Hall, deceased, John Arthur Bridgeford, deceased, Arthur M. Bridgeford, deceased, Ruth L. Margerie, deceased, Evelyn Bridgeford Peters, deceased, Frank E. Peters, deceased, Frank Bridgeford, Jr., deceased, Laura Bridgeford, deceased, Clara Boykin, deceased, William Boykin, deceased, Cora Lee Boykin, deceased, Lucille Boykin, deceased, Irma D. Speed, deceased, Reginald C. Speed, Sr., deceased, James Edward Boykin, deceased, Viola Cohen, deceased, Lawrence Cohen, Sr., deceased, Dorothy Knuckles, deceased, Lester C. Knuckles, Sr., deceased, Wavie Knuckles, Jr., deceased, Matthew Knuckles, deceased, Patricia Bernice Cohen, deceased, Lawrence Cohen, Jr., deceased, Babette Kendrick, deceased, Ronald Kendrick, deceased, Augusta Square, deceased, Huron Square, Jr., deceased, James Mosley, Jr., deceased, Ida Nelson, deceased, Daniel W. Nelson, deceased, Jessie Neal Reed, deceased, Lula Jeffries, deceased, Oliver V. Mosely, deceased, Bessie Johnson Mosley, deceased, Mary Louise Johnson, deceased, Mica Letitia Johnson, deceased, Mildred Mosley Donald, deceased, Georgia Mosley Howard, deceased, Jessie Mae Mason, deceased, Bessie Richardson, deceased, Lillie Mae Howard, deceased, William Howard, Jr., deceased, Zelda White, deceased, Ida Robinson, deceased, Gloria Jean Parker, deceased, Harlan Howard, Sr. deceased, Romelia Allen, deceased, William E. Mosley, deceased, Frank Mosley, Sr., deceased, Mildred Anita Hall, deceased, Anita Williams, deceased, Aaron Williams, Sr., deceased, Albert Williams, Jr., deceased, Walter Hall, Jr., deceased, Frank Mosley, Jr., deceased, Ethel Mosley, deceased, Frances McJunkins, deceased, Barbara M. Mosley, deceased, Irene Elizabeth Simpson, deceased, Joseph N. Simpson, Jr., deceased, and all persons or entities claiming any title to or interest in the property described in Petitioner’s petition, and praying that a day be set for the hearing, an Order be made appointing three commissioners to assess the damages and compensations that the owners of said land may be entitled for taking of said land and for the injury, if any, to the remaining lands lying contiguous to said real estate sought to be condemned. It is therefore ORDERED BY THE COURT that the 8th day of October, 2024, at 9:00 A.M. be set as a day for the hearing of said Petition and the proof to be submitted in support of same.

Further, it is ORDERED by the Court that notice of the filing of said Petition and of the date set for hearing thereof is hereby given by publication once a week for four successive weeks in The Greensboro Watchman, a newspaper published in Hale County, Alabama, and at this hearing Respondents or any other persons, firms, association and/or corporations that may own an interest in or the right to possession of said land to be condemned in this cause may appear and contest the same if they deem proper, and notice is further given to the parties who are nonresidents of the State of Alabama.

ORDERED, this the 25th day of July, 2024.

Arthur L. Crawford, Sr
Judge of Probate in and for Hale County, Alabama


A part of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 33, Township 19-N, Range 4-E, identified as Tract No. 525 on Project No. RAED-068- 000-160 in Hale County, Alabama and being more fully described as follows:

Commencing at the SW corner of the NE quarter of the NE quarter of Section 33, Township 19 North, Range 4 East;

thence East and along the South quarter section line a distance of 1109 feet, more or less, to a point on the acquired R/W line (said line offset 150.00 feet LT and parallel with centerline of project);

thence N 0°41’39” E and along the acquired R/W line a distance of 442.01 feet to a point on the acquired R/W line (said line offset 150.00 feet LT and parallel with centerline of project) (said point also on the grantor’s South property line), which is the point of BEGINNING; thence N 0°41’39” E and along the acquired R/W line a distance of 69.00 feet to a point on the grantor’s North property line; thence S 89°54’29” E and along the grantor’s said property line a distance of 155.09 feet to a point on the West present R/W line of AL- 69; thence S 0°40’11” W and along the said present R/W line a distance of 69.00 feet to a point on the grantor’s South property line; thence N 89°54’29” W and along the grantor’s said property line a distance of 155.12 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING, containing 0.25 acre, more or less.

Legal Notice


STATE OF ALABAMA, Ex Rel JOHN R. COOPER, Director of the Alabama Department of Transportation, Petitioner, vs. BRENDA WRIGHT, ET AL., Defendants.

CASE NO. 2024-067


This day came the State of Alabama by its attorney, Mark A. Scogin, and filed its Petition in writing under oath for the condemnation of certain lands described below in Exhibit A as shown on the right-ofway map of the State of Alabama Department of Transportation as Project No. RAED-068-000-160, West Alabama Highway from North Linden to Moundville, Hale County, Alabama recorded in the Office of the Probate Judge of Hale County, Alabama, on behalf of the State of Alabama for public road purposes; said lands being owned by Brenda Wright, Cheryl V. Watts, Margaret Crawford, Maurice Crawford, Darryl Crawford, Laura L. Moore, Willie Ruth Hill, Lawrence E. McNeal, Charles E. McNeal, Clarence B. McNeal, Clemestine Mae Perrymon, Clinton Murdock, Jr., Christine Cook Murdock, Patricia Murdock, Yolanda Turner, Leon S. Dudley, David B. Dudley, Sandra V. Diggs, Albert D. Murdock, Jr., Kathy Zayan, Christy Hinnant, Kevin Riley, Anthony Riley, Dwayne T. Murdock, DeNita Gail Murdock, LaToria D. Murdock, James R. Murdock, Annie Rowser, Maldotha Murdock, Irnetta Murdock, Elizabeth M. Murdock, Esther Murdock, Alice Perry, Alex M. McKinney, Skylar Christopher Smith, Phillip M. Smith, William J. Crook, Joseph McKinney, Jr., Mia M. McKinney, Rian McKinney, Bennie Long, Jr., Barbara J. Copridge, Dred C. Jackson, Saryn L. Hatcher, Zenobia Turner, Eugene B. Heath, Mattie Heath, Andrew Long, Nancy Campbell, Aretha Campbell, Preston D. Lane, Jr., Tammy L. High, Walter Campbell, Sr., Johnny L. Campbell, Sr., Helen J. Rogers, James M. Lyles, Willie E. Wallace, Sr., George Wallace, Alex Wallace, Jimmie M. Wallace, Sr., Daisy Taylor, Adrienne Bost, Lydia Wallace, William M. Pratcher, Jr., Dorothy M. Davies, Corene Hope, Dallas J. White, Beverly Kate White, Gary A. Smith, Jr., Maurice D. Newberry, Terry Lynn McMillan, Dameon Bell, Marcus L. Bell, George McDowell, Jr., Michael McDowell, Erica N. Jones, Aaron W. Jones, Michael A. Jones, Wilson McDowell, Jr., Frank McDowell, Jr., Francette Holland, Dianne Dixon, Tommie D. Crummie, Roderick Crummie, Sheila Duncan, Jo Ann Stanton, Ricardo Cammack, Anthony Cammack, Lori Cammack- Crues, Kay F. Lewis, Courniece L. Davis, Lorenzo Shelton, Yvonne Meghie, Nathaniel E. Ford, Jr., Johnny C. Lyles, Abraham T. Lyles, Jr., Gwendolyn Lyles Hunter, Donald Earl Lyles, Pamela J. Bedminster, Rosetta H. Lyles Ford, Henry D. Lyles, Sr., Carolyn L. Maddox, Rosie Etta Nabors Lyles, Eugene Lyles, Jr., Sandy Lyles, Ernest James Lyles, Joseph Dion Lyles, Joshua Aaron Lyles, Sandra Yvonne Giles, Janetta Alyse Lyles, Jennifer Renee Jones, Bennie T. Lyles, Amos Lyles, Andrew D. Lyles, Sr., Daniel L. Lyles, Frank Lewis Lyles, Azalean Walker, Majorie Walker, Mary Walker, Eugene Walker, Jr., Ethel Brock, Rachel L. Jones, Geneva Lyles Cobbs, Rosie B. Lyles, Deborah Hemphill Pruitt, Jeffery D. Jones, Sr., Jeffery D. Jones, Jr., Maria S. Lyles, Donna R. Alexander, Geralyn Pickens, Curtis C. Pickens, Carla Parker, Lillie M. Pickens, Felicia Savage, Lester E. Savage, Jr., Alicia Savage, Serrefin Savage, Sheryl Littles, Aretha Bolden, Robert L. Pickens, Sr., Herbert C. Pickens, Sr., Howard E. Pickens, Fred Allen, Jr., Emma Jean Lyle, Deborah T. Horn, Sylvia Richardson, Robert C. Taylor, Jr., Roddrick Taylor, Larry E. Taylor, Evelyn Lyle, Brian L. Lyle, Britt K. Lyle, Thomas E. Lyle, Jr., Courtney D. Burton, April B. Thomas, Kevin J. Burton, Reginia Mingo, Reginald G. Hamilton, Reasno G. Hamilton, Jr., Betty Bonner Faoye, Shevawn Agnew, John W. Agnew, Jr., Kenneth W. Agnew, Tewawn A. Agnew, Andrian W. Agnew, Koriya Padgett, Gloria Williams, Frank Shaw, Jr., Betty J. Shaw, Fredrick Shaw, Mary Anne Shaw, Gloria B. Shaw, Fred D. Eaton, Jr., Mary Robinson, Regina Hughes, Henry Cabbil, Sr., Henry L. Cabbil, Jr., Kesha Daniels, Christopher Cabbil, Kristie Johnson, Donald Sledge, Ronnie Sledge, Leavie Sledge, Jr., Andra Sledge, Poncella Sledge, JoZoe Sledge, Lula Mae Eaton Williams, Thelma Eaton Cole, Donna Eileen Eaton, Renee Eaton Baptiste, Walter J. Jones, Collene Jones, Annie M. Jones, Bernice Marshall, Andre Tee Beard, Theressa Beard, Kimberly Ware, Michelle Beard, Debra Gale Crew, Kevin A. Beard, Rene Beard, Michael Beard, Sharon Beard, Mark Beard, Jimmie H. Gains, Douglas Clark Gaines, Cleophus Gaines, Deacon Auguster Maul, Sr., Jacquelyn Strother, Auguster Maul, Jr., Donna Warren, Angela Maul, Walter Irvin, Jr., Toni R. Quintero, Jerad Irvin, Sheila Kaye Irvin, Vangie A. Robinson, Jo Ann Sims, Carolyn R. Flynn, Bobby Sims, Jr., Leonard F. Taylor, III, Kevin Gregory Taylor, Sr., Ann D. Brown, Glennae Leroy Taylor, Sr., Cecil Payne, George M. Wilburn, James Charles Wilburn, James Randolph Wilburn, Wanda A. Wilburn, Gennene R. Wilburn, Georgette Elise Wilburn, Karen R. Wilburn, Jaymee S. Payne, Mark S. Payne, Patricia Ann Palm, Trina M. Payne, Maurice D. Payne, Carmaletta H. Payne, Elizabeth Harris, Sharon Young, Sylvester Alvin Harris, Jr., Dennis Harris, Laura Harris, Sterling Harris, Lisa Jordan, Inez Swink, Gregory Wilson, Anthony Wilson, Sylvia Wilson, Darryl Wilson, Gertrude Peebles, Marilyn Brewer, Linda Hughes, Vivian Hayes, Patricia Hubbard, Jeff Hayes, Theresa Renee Parker, Amy Parker Stayton, Stanley Hayes, Josephine Hayes, Regina H. Lambert, Natalie Hayes, Inez Temple, Steven P. Bridgeford, Austine Bridgeford, Eric D. Evans, Laura Margerum, Carolyn J. Peters, Kimberly R. Peters, Frank E. Peters, II, Winthrop P. Boykin, Michael C. Boykin, John Boykin, Armilia M. Speed, Reginald C. Speed, Jr., Lakita D. Speed, Lester C. Knuckles, Jr., Jennifer B. Knuckles, Kimberly Emrick, Valerie Rogers, Brenda Knuckles, Sharon Knuckles, Jacqueline Mc- Call, Nadja Knuckles, Ajdan K. Knuckles, Dajan Knuckles, Rosalyn Knuckles, Michelle Jones, Viola Rene Germany, Michael Jones, Denise Taylor, Mark Johnson, Leslie Johnson, Lawrence Johnson, Karla Dawn Johnson, Bess Johnson Griffin, Olivette Charlene Sasser, Karl A. Johnson, Jr., Tara Lynn Walls, Carolyn L. Mason, Fredrick Lawson, Corey Ferguson, Bryant Ferguson, Deandrea Dorsey, Janet Mackins, Mary Louise Cole, David Parker, Jr., Karen Parker-Dudley, Kisha Parker, La’Toya Williams, Barbara Ann Echols, Maxine Dubose, Harlan Howard, Jr., Doskie Howard, Leona Murphy, Aaron Williams, Jr., Braiden Williams, Arianna Williams, Theodore Williams, Desiree Williams, Tameisha Harris, Alicia C. Hallcotton, Marquette Hodo, Dorothy Coleman, Charlamae McKinley, Honorable Andretta Skipper, Tax Collector, Hale County and fictitious parties A through Z, being the heirs, devisees or successors of Rachel Lyles, deceased, Andrew W. Lyles, Sr., deceased, Laura Lyles McKinney, deceased, Annie Wilson, deceased, Wilton William Murray, deceased, Clara Crawford, deceased, Lula Veil Crawford, deceased, James Crawford, deceased, Thomas Crawford, deceased, Robert Crawford, deceased, Julius Crawford, Jr., deceased, William E. Crawford, deceased, Clinton Murdock, Sr., deceased, Eddie Mae Sherman, deceased, Clara Mae McNeal, deceased, Lawrence E. McNeal, Sr., deceased, James Edward Murdock, deceased, Robert Benjamin Murdock, deceased, Dorothy Jean Patton, deceased, Claude H. Patton, deceased, John D. Murdock, deceased, Alice Gertrude Rhodes, deceased, Walter C. Dudley, deceased, Florence Murdock, deceased, Albert Murdock, Sr., deceased, Dorothy Murdock, deceased, Robert Murdock, Jr., deceased, Julia Murdock, deceased, Andrew Mount Murdock, deceased, Catherine Murdock, deceased, Julian H. Murdock, deceased, Abraham Murdock, deceased, Mary E. Reed, deceased, Isadore McKinney, deceased, Barbara Y. Crook, deceased, Martha McKinney, deceased, Joseph McKinney, Sr., deceased, Lucy Rhodes, deceased, Abraham Rhodes, deceased, William Rhodes, deceased, Andrew Lyles, Jr., deceased, Nancy Lyles Long, deceased, Rachel Diprage, deceased, Isabella Long, deceased, Bennie Long, Sr., deceased, Lillie Mae Long, deceased, Mamie Lucious, deceased, Ruby E. Copridge, deceased, Mary L. Hatcher, deceased, Helen Heath, deceased, Eugene Long, deceased, Ruth Campbell, deceased, Willie Marie Lane, deceased, Rachel Jemison, deceased, Beatrice Jemison, deceased, Frank Jemison, deceased, Frank Lyles, Sr., deceased, Lydia Mae Pratcher, deceased, Bertha L. Wallace, deceased, William M. Pratcher, Sr., deceased, Hezekiah M. Pratcher, Jr., deceased, Lena T. Lyles, deceased, Mary Lyles Mc- Dowell, deceased, Louise Newberry, deceased, Delcenia White, deceased, Sharon Ellen Smith, deceased, Mary Ellen Bell, deceased, Sheldon Bell, deceased, John Newberry, Jr., deceased, Eloise Mc- Dowell, deceased, Nathan McDowell, deceased, George Mc- Dowell, Sr. deceased, Aaron Kevin McDowell, Sr., deceased, Iva Jones, deceased, Aaron Kevin Mc- Dowell, deceased, Rose Lee Anderson, deceased, James McDowell, deceased, Wilson Mc- Dowell, Sr. deceased, Mary Mc- Dowell, deceased, Frank McDowell, Sr., deceased, Alphonse Lyles, deceased, Albert Lyles, deceased, Eliza Johnson, deceased, Lillie Beard, deceased, Minnie Lyles Pickens, deceased, Cournice Ford, deceased, Nathaniel Ford, Sr., deceased, Juanita Crummie, deceased, Tommy L. Crummie, deceased, Erlene S. Cammack, deceased, Otis L. Shelton, deceased, James Doc Lyles, deceased, Abraham Lyles, deceased, Eugene Lyles, Sr, deceased, Joseph James Lyles, deceased, Leona S. Walker, deceased, Eugene Walker, Sr., deceased, Alphonso Lyles, Sr., deceased, Rozetta E. Lyles, deceased, Alphonso S. Lyles, Jr, deceased, Sylvester Whitfield, deceased, Mamie Odette Bowles, deceased, Susie Lyles, deceased, Virginia Pickens Allen, deceased, Curtis Lee Pickens, deceased, Jimmie Pickens, deceased, William Pickens, Jr., deceased, Wilma Lucille Savage, deceased, Eugene Britt Lyle, Sr., deceased, Eugene Britt Lyle, Jr., deceased, Dorothy L. Lyle, deceased, Eloise Taylor, deceased, Linda Williams, deceased, Donald E. Taylor, deceased, Thomas Ervin Lyle, Sr., deceased, Nancy Eaton, deceased, Lelia Glover, deceased, Virginia Glover, deceased, Minnie Glover, deceased, Robert Syks Glover, deceased, Laura Sledge Glover, deceased, Pinkie Hamilton, deceased, Virginia Agnew, deceased, John W. Agnew, deceased, Robert D. Glover, deceased, John G. Glover, deceased, Larry Glover, deceased, Edmund Glover, deceased, Samuel Eaton, deceased, Corine Mays, deceased, Thomas Howard Mays, Jr., deceased, Samuel Howard Mays, deceased, Danphert Eaton, deceased, Mary Benison, deceased, Charley Benison, deceased, Nancy Dixon, deceased, James Benison, deceased, Ruben Benison, deceased, Edward D. Benison, deceased, Bernice Benison, deceased, Delcine Owens Zeigler, deceased, Bernice Williams, deceased, Arthur Williams, Jr., deceased, Riley Eaton, Sr., deceased, Betty B. Eaton, deceased, Mildred Shaw, deceased, Riley Eaton, Jr., deceased, Susie Nell Sampson, deceased, Fred Douglas Eaton, Sr., deceased, Lois Cabbil, deceased, Vivian Lee Holifield, deceased, Eliza Marie Sledge, deceased, James Eaton, Jr., deceased, Gertrude Martin Eaton, deceased, Benjamin Eaton, deceased, Thelma Eaton, deceased, James Benjamin Eaton, deceased, William Lawrence Eaton, deceased, Marcia Lois Eaton, deceased, Willie Eaton Burroughs, deceased, Bessie Mae Burroughs, deceased, Bennie Burroughs, deceased, Seyborn Eaton, deceased, Edna Strong, deceased, Will Strong, deceased, Nancy Jackson, deceased, Amanda Eaton Beard, deceased, Kandice Beard Jones, deceased, Manley Beard, deceased, Zion Beard, Jr., deceased, Sebron Beard, deceased, Myrtle Beard, deceased, Sylvester Beard, deceased, Abraham Beard, deceased, Mary Kate Gaines, deceased, Cephus Gaines, Jr., deceased, Tillman Beard, deceased, Thelma Lee Maul, deceased, Gwendolyn Burrell, deceased, Margaret Irvin, deceased, Viola Sims, deceased, Benjamin Beard, deceased, Eliza Bridgeford, deceased, Gertrude Bridgeford, deceased, John Harris, deceased, Ethel Harris, deceased, Myrtle Payne, deceased, Bernice J. Taylor, deceased, Ernestine Delores Payne, deceased, Ernest Dell Payne, deceased, Minnie Lee Payne, deceased, Danny Cecil Payne, deceased, Kenneth Douglas Laney, deceased, Sylvester Alvin Harris, deceased, Teola Hayes, deceased, Earlene Wilson, deceased, George Leon Wilson, Jr., deceased, Dianna B. Wilson, deceased, Mary Ann Parker, deceased, Taylor Parker, deceased, George Ronald Hayes, deceased, George Leon Harris, deceased, Leila M. Smith, deceased, Rebecca Bridgeford, deceased, Inez Bridgeford, deceased, Lula Hall, deceased, John Arthur Bridgeford, deceased, Arthur M. Bridgeford, deceased, Ruth L. Margerie, deceased, Evelyn Bridgeford Peters, deceased, Frank E. Peters, deceased, Frank Bridgeford, Jr., deceased, Laura Bridgeford, deceased, Clara Boykin, deceased, William Boykin, deceased, Cora Lee Boykin, deceased, Lucille Boykin, deceased, Irma D. Speed, deceased, Reginald C. Speed, Sr., deceased, James Edward Boykin, deceased, Viola Cohen, deceased, Lawrence Cohen, Sr., deceased, Dorothy Knuckles, deceased, Lester C. Knuckles, Sr., deceased, Wavie Knuckles, Jr., deceased, Matthew Knuckles, deceased, Patricia Bernice Cohen, deceased, Lawrence Cohen, Jr., deceased, Babette Kendrick, deceased, Ronald Kendrick, deceased, Augusta Square, deceased, Huron Square, Jr., deceased, James Mosley, Jr., deceased, Ida Nelson, deceased, Daniel W. Nelson, deceased, Jessie Neal Reed, deceased, Lula Jeffries, deceased, Oliver V. Mosely, deceased, Bessie Johnson Mosley, deceased, Mary Louise Johnson, deceased, Mica Letitia Johnson, deceased, Mildred Mosley Donald, deceased, Georgia Mosley Howard, deceased, Jessie Mae Mason, deceased, Bessie Richardson, deceased, Lillie Mae Howard, deceased, William Howard, Jr., deceased, Zelda White, deceased, Ida Robinson, deceased, Gloria Jean Parker, deceased, Harlan Howard, Sr. deceased, Romelia Allen, deceased, William E. Mosley, deceased, Frank Mosley, Sr., deceased, Mildred Anita Hall, deceased, Anita Williams, deceased, Aaron Williams, Sr., deceased, Albert Williams, Jr., deceased, Walter Hall, Jr., deceased, Frank Mosley, Jr., deceased, Ethel Mosley, deceased, Frances McJunkins, deceased, Barbara M. Mosley, deceased, Irene Elizabeth Simpson, deceased, Joseph N. Simpson, Jr., deceased, and all persons or entities claiming any title to or interest in the property described in Petitioner’s petition, and praying that a day be set for the hearing, an Order be made appointing three commissioners to assess the damages and compensations that the owners of said land may be entitled for taking of said land and for the injury, if any, to the remaining lands lying contiguous to said real estate sought to be condemned.

It is therefore ORDERED BY THE COURT that the 8th day of October, 2024, at 9:00 A.M. be set as a day for the hearing of said Petition and the proof to be submitted in support of same.

Further, it is ORDERED by the Court that notice of the filing of said Petition and of the date set for hearing thereof is hereby given by publication once a week for four successive weeks in The Greensboro Watchman, a newspaper published in Hale County, Alabama, and at this hearing Respondents or any other persons, firms, association and/or corporations that may own an interest in or the right to possession of said land to be condemned in this cause may appear and contest the same if they deem proper, and notice is further given to the parties who are nonresidents of the State of Alabama.

ORDERED, this the 25th day of July, 2024.

Arthur L. Crawford, Sr.
Judge of Probate in and for Hale County, Alabama


A part of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 33, Township 19-N, Range 4-E, identified as Tract No. 522 on Project No. RAED-068- 000-160 in Hale County, Alabama and being more fully described as follows:

Parcel 1 of 2:

Commencing at the SW corner of
the NE quarter of the NE quarter of
Section 33, Township 19 North,
Range 4 East;

thence East and along the South quarter section line a distance of 1109 feet, more or less, to a point on the acquired R/W line (said line offset 150.00 feet LT and parallel with centerline of project);

thence N 0°41’39” E and along the acquired R/W line a distance of 235.01 feet to a point on the acquired R/W line (said point also on grantor’s South property line), which is the point of BEGINNING;

thence N 0°41’39” E and along the acquired R/W line a distance of 207.01 feet to a point on the grantor’s property line;

thence S 89°54’29” E and along the grantor’s property line a distance of 155.12 feet to a point on the West present R/W line of AL-69;

thence S 0°40’11” W and along the said present R/W line a distance of 207.01 feet to a point on the grantor’s South property line;

thence N 89°54’29” W and along the grantor’s said property line a distance of 155.20 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING, containing 0.75 acres), more or less.

Parcel 2 of 2:

Commencing at the SW corner of the NE quarter of the NE quarter of Section 33, Township 19 North, Range 4 East;

thence East and along the South quarter section line a distance of 1109 feet, more or less, to a point on the acquired R/W line (said line offset 150.00 feet LT and parallel with centerline of project);

thence N 0°41’39” E and along the acquired R/W line a distance of 510.73 feet to a point on the acquired R/W line (said point also on grantor’s property line), which is the point of BEGINNING;

thence N 0°41’39” E and along the acquired R/W line a distance of 154.92 feet to a point on the South present R/W line of Cassimore Road;

thence N 85°30’2″ E and along the said present R/W line a distance of 76.09 feet to a point on the said present R/W line;

thence N 88°23’29” E and along the said present R/W line a distance of 79.30 feet to a point on the West present R/W line of AL-69;

thence S 0°40’11” W and along the said present R/W line a distance of 163.36 feet to a point on the grantor’s property line; thence N 89°54’29” W and along the grantor’s property line a distance of 155.09 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING, containing 0.57 acre(s), more or less.

Legal Notice


In accordance with Section 32-13-1, Code of Alabama 1975, notice is hereby given to the owners, lien holders and other interested parties that the following described abandoned vehicle will be sold at public auction for cash to the highest bidder on Friday, August 30, 2024 at 12:00 noon. Location: 1118 Blount Street, Greensboro, AL, 36744, to wit:


Seller reserves the right to reject any bids and the right to bid. Pursuant to Section 32-8-34, Section 40-12-398, or Section 40-12-414, the purchaser is required to post a bond pursuant to Section 32-8-36 in order to obtain title to the vehicle.


Legal Notice


Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned on the 23rd day of July, 2024, by the Probate Judge of Hale County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present the same, duly sworn to, in the Probate Court of said County within the time allowed by law, or else same will be forever barred.

Geneva H. Cole
Personal Representative

Publish in newspaper once a week for three (3) successive weeks.

Legal Notice

Case No. 24-069

Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of said Decedent having been granted to the undersigned upon the Estate of said Decedent on July 15, 2024, notice is given that all persons having claims against said Estate shall file same, duly sworn to, in the Probate Court of HALE County within the time allowed by law, or else same will be forever barred.

Robert L. Collins, Jr.
Thomas H. Boggs, Jr.
Attorney for Estate

Publish in newspaper once a week for three successive weeks.