Jackson says city leaders have had two years to repair hydrant
A resident of the Clements Street area in Marion told the city’s mayor and council she was “tired” of the city’s failure to replace a fire hydrant in her neighborhood at the council’s first March meeting, held Monday night, March 7.
Barbara Jackson told the council she had been asking about the hydrant for more than two years.
“We got a price in for that fire hydrant,” said Hinton. “We’re trying to maneuver some funds, but we’ve got some things that are pressing that we have to take care of first.”
“How long is it going to take to maneuver the funds”? Jackson asked. “If we have a fire in the area, we have no water.”
Hinton said the existing hydrant was still functional.
“No, it’s not. It’s not functional,” she said.
“That’s all I have for you, Mrs. Jackson,” said Hinton.
“Next time I come, it won’t be by myself,” said Jackson.
Councilmember Jeff Nail asked Jackson what part of the city she lived in.
“Right in the Clements Street area,” she said. “It’s been going on almost two years, a year and a half. He’s been saying that he’s got to put a little bit here and a little bit back and then you all will have some money to pay for it.”
“My solution to that is that I will pay for that,” Jackson said.
“A fire hydrant is $7,000,” said Hinton.
“Somebody told me they were $3,500,” Jackson said. “Seven thousand dollars. Really?”
“Yes, ma’am,” said Hinton.
“Yes ma’am.”
“I do my research. I investigate. I am very serious. If a fire starts around in that area, it’s going to involve everybody in the city council sitting around this table,” Jackson said. “…y’all say you don’t have any equipment but y’all take money and y’all throw it somewhere else. The water system has gone way out and it could be something done about it. But it’s up to y’all.”
“I hope everybody can hear me,” she said.
City Clerk Laura Hinton asked if the city’s fire chief was aware of the problem. Mayor Dexter Hinton said he was.
“If we couldn’t get a fire hydrant in two years, how come nobody told me?” asked City Clerk Laura Hinton.