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Marion council votes to approve access road project for TekPak

The City of Marion and Perry County is looking to build industrial access roads in an effort to keep Tekpak Inc. in Marion. TekPak moved into Marion in 2000 and has been a major provider of jobs in the region. The company was looking at a possible move because they lacked industrial access roads that would allow them to get their trucks in. The City began attempting to secure funding through grants in 2021 and this year were awarded the money to address the companies concern. The construction would repave parts of Washington Street and seek to give TekPak better access to the road. The construction will primarily take place at the intersection Washington St. and Highway 289 off of Highway 5. Perry County Commission Chairman Albert Turner Jr. said the goal is to begin before the winter and complete the task in the first part of spring.

Turner estimated that around 100 jobs will be saved by the plan. “This is something that many have been trying to get done for years and it’s reached a point where it can finally be done.” Commissioner Turner said. He highlighted the importance of keeping TekPak in Marion and citing the decision as a sign of economic improvement. Turner noted that the willingness to cooperate with local industries would hopefully make Marion an attractive prospect for other industries in the future. “TekPak is a longtime corporate partner of Marion and I did everything I could to help keep it here and bring these plans to fruition. Preserving the jobs we have and keeping industries here are all good things for the economy.”