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in the Marion Democrat April 11, 1902 

We notice in the “Junior Corner” of the Atlanta Constitution a little letter from our own sweet Susie Haggerty. The letter reflects credit both upon Susie and Marion, of which town, as an educational center, she speaks appreciatively. 

The Electric Light company have let the contract for putting up the plant. We understand that Mr. W. H. England and Mr. Manly Lide are the promoters and principal stock holders. 

Mr. John Nichols, of Vaiden, was in Marion Monday. 

Mr. R.H. Hurt is much pleased with Knoxville, Tenn. 

Mr. Nathan Curb, of Curbville, was in the city this week. 

Mr. Crockett Fountain, of Okmulgee, was in the city Monday. 

Columbia meal at W.F. Moore’s, Marion, Ala. 

Mr. W. H. J. Holley, of East Perry, spent Tuesday in our berg. 

WANTED. — To rent a Baby Carriage for two months. Apply to Teacher’s Home, Lincoln Normal School. 

Mr. Albert Donovan is visiting his mother’s family, Mrs. H.E. Donovan, this week. 

Mr. Norman McCollum was a welcome visitor from his new home in Selma Sunday. 

Hon. W. A. Fountain and his accomplished daughter, Miss Alpha, spent Monday in our city. 

Miss Mary Ely visited her brother in Tuskaloosa Sunday, returning to Judson Monday. 

Mr. Hooper Caffee, from Birmingham, came over Sunday to see one of our fairest young ladies.