The Alabama Department of Transportation expects the number of vehicles on Alabama’s roadways to be higher than normal this weekend as the Memorial Day holiday officially kicks off the summer travel season. Drivers should plan for increased traffic and allow extra time to reach their destination.
For the safety of the traveling public and highway construction and maintenance workers, there will be no temporary lane closures on Alabama interstates after noon on Friday, May 27, through Monday, May 30, at midnight.
“Before heading out on the roads during this busy holiday weekend, buckle up and make driving without distraction your top priority,” said Allison Green, Drive Safe Alabama coordinator, ALDOT. “While you can’t control how others drive, being alert and driving defensively can help you avoid a crash.”
ALDOT Holiday Travel Tips:
- Buckle up. Surviving a crash is much more likely when wearing a seat belt. Latest stats from Drive Safe Alabama show that more than 50 percent of people dying in crashes on Alabama highways are not wearing a seat belt.
- Slow down. Speeding is a leading contributing factor in fatal crashes on Alabama roads.
- Keep right, except to pass. Drivers on Alabama interstates must travel in the right lane. Drivers are not allowed to be in the left lane for more than 1.5 miles unless the driver is passing another vehicle. There are exceptions for road hazards, traffic congestion and moving over for emergency response vehicles.
More safe driving tips are available on the Drive Safe Alabama Facebook page.
Highway Travel Planning Tool
Motorists planning their holiday travel route can find Alabama traffic and road condition information, including live traffic camera feeds at www.ALGOtraffic.com or by downloading the ALGO Traffic app. ALDOT asks motorists to use ALGO Traffic responsibly. Drivers should never text, tweet, or use a mobile device while operating a vehicle.